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aerofly RC 8 (Steam VR)

aerofly RC 8 (Steam VR)

aerofly RC 8 (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £64.99
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 65

Description: Fly fantastic RC models with this model flight simulator on your PC monitor or stand directly on the runway of the 4D scenery in VR mode. aerofly RC 8 is the first choice for beginners, amateurs and professionals when it comes to learning and improving model flying. The extremely realistic flight physics, fantastic graphics and the option with a VR headset always give you the feeling of being right on the field.

Training with the aerofly RC 8 prepares you perfectly for flying model airplanes and also offers incredible fun! Practice air racing, limbo flying, balloon piercing and hovering with the Helitrainer, aerobatics with the Torquetrainer, face landing contests, enjoy slope flying with gliders, fly in chase view through the 4D scenery and much more.

Review: I have bad news, ‘aerofly RC 8’ isn’t for you! When I say “you” I mean average VR user, the average flight-sim user. This is a simulation designed to perfectly mimic the control of RC vehicles like helicopters, planes and quad-choppers. These…”toys” cost thousands and sometimes tens of thousands, so paying a tiny fee of £64.99 to practice their control of it is nothing. Sure, the average Joe will still enjoy playing around with this, but it is not for them, it is for the RC enthusiasts and nothing more. Heck, it doesn’t even support our VR motion controllers because it was not built for VR as such. In fact, you can’t use most of this program in VR. But those who want a little depth-perception, as well as 3D, can use it.

My personal opinion is that it looks amazing and probably feels ultra-realistic and responsive, but I don’t know for sure and I certainly wouldn’t recommend this to anyone other than dedicated RC enthusiasts. It’s just not for the average VR user or flight sim fan at all and is never going to be, but to someone, this will be mind-blowing. …that person wasn’t me.

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