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AngeliaLost (Steam VR)

AngeliaLost (Steam VR)

AngeliaLost (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £5.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Strategy
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: ‘Angelia Lost’ is a horrible exploration strategy shooting game. As an exorcist, chasing the mysterious girl’s footsteps, passing through the gloomy forest path, to the deserted castle. The desolate path is filled with traps. The intruder was hung on a dry and spoiled tree. The woman sang sad songs away and turned again to warn you. What secret is hidden behind the old castle? Are you moving on and looking for the truth? Or stop here and leave here?

Review: It doesn’t matter how many times you watch the trailer for ‘AngeliaLost’ you won’t be expecting the type of game that it currently is. This is a weird, horror themes Minesweeper clone and on the whole, I have to say it’s a fantastic take on the classic game. So it works like the classic game, but you need to avoid zombies by planting crosses into the spaces you think they are. But if you sep one free you will need to fight it. While this game isn’t worth the full £5.79 asking price, for half of that you will get a game you won’t be expecting that turns out to be OK.

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