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Björk Vulnicura Virtual Reality Album (Steam VR)

Björk Vulnicura Virtual Reality Album (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: Vulnicura VR is a fully immersive virtual reality album experience, allowing users to explore the Icelandic locations which inspired Björk’s songs on her eighth studio album Vulnicura.

Review: I feel I need to start this review by letting you know that I am a BIG Björk fan and own all her albums. I am telling you this because ‘Björk Vulnicura Virtual Reality Album’ is little more than an interactive music album. This album (called Vulnicura) is not new at all and I have owned it for many years, but this VR experience adds some visuals inspired by the music, but not directly influenced by Björk herself. Sure, the music is amazing (if you like Björk), but the visuals really do carry you away into the world the music itself is creating, its like art, only made to suit the music. While I did enjoy this a lot the £15.49 price tag is WAYYYYYYY too much to swallow and I would definitely wait until it is at least half-price. If you like Björk’s music this is a must, but I can’t really recommend it to anyone else.

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