The VR Shop

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BOW MAN (Oculus Quest)

BOW MAN (Oculus Quest)

BOW MAN (Oculus Quest)

VR Shop Score – Bronze Award

Price at Time Of Review: £10.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Archery
Supported Controllers: Oculus Touch
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: Experience traditional Japanese archery in VR! Wield a yumi (Japanese style bow) to shoot through targets and enemies with maximum speed and precision! Your aiming prowess is only part of the equation though, as you’ll also need to dodge and block enemy arrows! Hone your archery skills by completing 80 levels of various challenges in Solo Mode, or Duel against an AI opponent in Versus Mode! Master the way of the bow with BOW MAN!

Review: With its fancy cel-shaded graphics, 54 levels and an online mode you might think there was a lot to love about ‘BOW MAN’. But sadly you will soon realise that the archery gameplay is the same thing (target shooting) over and over again. In fact, it never once gets exciting in each of the 54 levels, they really are all the same thing. The multiplayer side of things is dead and the graphics are not that good anyway. But then we throw in the £10.99 price tag and you have a game I simply can’t recommend without a massive price drop. If it was a quid or two I might have recommended it but I can’t suggest paying anything more than that.

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