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CRANGA!: Harbor Frenzy (Oculus Rift)

CRANGA!: Harbor Frenzy (Steam VR)

CRANGA!: Harbor Frenzy (Steam VR)

The VR Shop - Gold Award
System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Puzzle
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers, Gamepad
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG

Description: CRANGA!: Harbor Frenzy is a casual VR puzzle game that brings popular block-pushing games to a whole new level. In CRANGA, players control an industrial crane to push and remove shipping containers from a teetering tower. In order to ensure the container’s safe removal, players must utilize physical space to move and see the container tower from various angles. With different container types, items, and game modes, this seemingly simple task will turn out to be a great challenge. Jump into the whimsical harbor where your physical and mental skills will be tested!

Review: Do you like playing the block stacking/removal game Jenga? If you do you might want to play this because CRANGA!: Harbor Frenzy is a VR version of Jenga only played with cranes and shipping containers. You can play single player, or multiplayer (only local support at the moment), single-player consists of crane mode and hand mode. Hand mode see you play the game much like you would in real life by poking the shipping containers out with your finger, but for now, crane mode is the best way to go.

You control a crane with a magical ball on the chain end. The idea is you move the crane up and down, side to side to get the right place to ‘poke’ a container out (provided it is the right colour). While the controls with the touch controller do work pretty well, I found it much better to play with the normal controller. There are 18 levels and 48 medals to get. Believe me, you will be playing this for some serious time if you want all those medals. The levels are not all ‘poke this colour and that colour’, there is some variety to keep things interesting, but I won’t ruin any surprises for you. There are all sorts of little easter eggs to find here and enough challenges to keep even the most experienced Jenga player busy for a while. Certainly not a perfect VR puzzle game, but definitely one that is loads of fun.

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