The VR Shop

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System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £4.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: Take a deep breath. No hacker has ever penetrated your defences, but this foe is on a level you’ve never seen before. Still, your employers will not tolerate failure, so you must protect your network from this invasion at all costs.

DEADLOCK is a virtual reality arcade shooter that pits you against waves of enemies who will stop at nothing to destroy you. Facedown tactical troopers, flying drones and vicious attack dogs. It’s kill or be killed, and to get the high score you’ll need light feet, fast reflexes and a steady aim.

Review: DEADLOCK is your classic VR wave shooter with a retro graphics feel to it. OK, so it has been done a million times before and it will be done to death and back, but I like a good wave shooter and while DEADLOCK isn’t one of the better ones, it’s an OK game. On the normal mode of the game the action really ramps up and the monster dogs are worthy of a particular nod of approval. In fact, the shooting and shield gameplay work OK and you can find yourself getting into this game if you let yourself go a bit. But I still think this is one game best waiting for in a sale rather than full price. Get this for a quid ($1) and you will enjoy it a lot more than paying full price for it.

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