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Delila’s Gift (Steam VR)

Delila's Gift (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 65

Description: Delila’s Gift is a VR Picture book created using Tilt Brush! It tells the story of a small sea creature named Delila and her struggle to understand belonging, ownership, fear, othering, and the darkness surrounding her. By using Tilt Brush and using these paintings to create a particle simulation, Delila’s Gift lets the users literally *step* into the paintings, playing and pulling on them in an inherently physical fashion.

Review: I kinda see where the makers of this app were going with Delila’s Gift, but I feel it doesn’t quite work. The storyline is fine as is the sound, but the “art” side of things which you make by moving your controllers around just doesn’t. I feel the two things needed to work together more to make the storyline and the music even more powerful. The good news is this experience is at least free so why not give it a go yourself and let me know what you thought about it in the comments below. It’s an odd one for sure, but also one worth seeing at least once.

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