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Dodge the Wall! (Steam VR)

Dodge the Wall! (Steam VR)

Dodge the Wall! (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: Step into the VR world of the “Dodge the Wall!” gameshow where you, the contestant, must fit through the hole in each wall as it comes your way. Each wall presents a unique challenge; use quick thinking and dexterity in order to dodge each wall.

Play with friends! Invite over some friends and pass around the VR headset to see who can get the highest score. Hilarity will ensue as they duck, dip, and dodge in order to avoid each of the walls.

Review: While this is not the first time we have seen a ‘Hole-in-the-Wall’ (games like ‘Fit It’) it has to be said ‘Dodge the Wall!’ is a lot more fun to play. Its the same style of gameplay in which you need to match the shape in a wall that is heading towards you. While it does have shapes for your feet you can stand wherever you want as it doesn’t support Vive feet trackers. If you play the game properly you will get a good workout and it is free to play after all so it’s worth a look and should give you a few laughs at the very least. To be honest, it is wasn’t free I don’t think I would be recommending it.

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