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End of Days (Steam VR)

End of Days (Steam VR)

End of Days (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £7.19
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 5

Description: End of Days is a low poly stylized zombie survival game inspired by games like “Nazi Zombies”, “Dead Rising”, and “left 4 Dead”. End of Days aims to be an immersive survival experience where you may explore, craft, customize, and strategize ways to mow down hordes of the undead. The full game will include single-player survival, co-op multiplayer survival, vs multiplayer survival, and other assorted game modes. The story mode is still something that is up in the air.

End of Days requires you you to manually operate all weapons, devices, and items. For example, you can load bullets into clips, load clips into guns, pull back the slide, and then you are ready to fire the gun. There is a hell of a lot of traditional weapons and plenty of assorted non-tradition weapons with planned cameo weapon packs on the way. Also planned is a level builder and workshop support in order to create a colourful community for the game.

Review: The makers of End of Days clearly had some big plans for this game and if all of those things had been implemented it might have been worth a small fraction of the current asking price. But at the time of this review, there is basically nothing here to even call this a game. I don’t mind the low polygon styled graphics, but the lack of content is shocking given the price. Even if this was a freebie there wouldn’t be much point in downloading it. So do take my advice and stay well clear of this unless it suddenly gets a load of content added to it and becomes free at the same time.

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