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Energysaber Masta VR (Steam VR)

Energysaber Masta VR (Steam VR)

Energysaber Masta VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £5.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 50

Description: You will appear on an alien spaceship with two energysabers in your hands in deep space somewhere in a faraway galaxy. You can use your energysabers as sabers, shields, or even rail-guns to fight with incoming flying and crawling drones. The drones are coming in waves and you will lose some health every time a drone hits you. The health is restored after each completed wave. In order to complete a wave you need to kill all the drones in it, and each subsequent wave has an increased number of drones. Every drone in a new wave becomes more and more tricky to kill: faster, closer to appear, harder to hit. They can also carry some hidden drones inside and split when you expect that the least.

Review: ‘Energysaber Masta VR’ is a fun little wave-based action game that sees you turning Jedi and waving your lightsabers around like you just don’t care. It has to be said this game is as basic as games get. It looks basic, the gameplay is bare-bones and the amount of content is small at best. But yet I did still have a little laugh playing it until I started to get bored of it, which wasn’t long at all. If the game was free or just a quid I would tell you to give it a look if you are after something to cure your boredom, but I wouldn’t pay much more for this at all. I’m don’t think I’m going to be recommending this anytime soon, but I am not hating on it either.

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