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Fadeholm (Steam VR)

Fadeholm (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £8.29
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Adventure
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 30

Description: Endless exploration and adventure awaits those fearless enough to enter. Survival is only the beginning! Fadeholm is a procedural virtual reality (VR) survival dungeon crawler designed in the same vein as old school Nethack and Rogue. As one of the remaining ‘Fade’, the player is challenged to explore the depths of the ancient catacombs in search of an ancient relic. The Fadeholm is as rich as it is dangerous, with room after room filled with riches and items that will make exploration just a little bit easier. The player must manage hunger, health and endurance while they search every corner of the dungeon because while the undead hit hard, a Vorpal Warblade of Fire hits harder.

Review: Fadeholm is a pretty typical dungeon crawler that trie to be some grand adventure but sadly falls a long way short of being that. For a start all the text tutorial boxes are boring, but if you don’t read them you will soon discover there is a steep learning curve to the game and then the lack of any haptic feedback from the action makes it feel pointless, like swinging your sword in thin-air at nothing. To be honest the whole game just lacks polish and shine leaving you feeling like you are playing a half-finished game for the same price as a full one. Once upon a time, this might have had some potential, but for now, this is one adventure best off not started.

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