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Fantastic Contraption (Steam VR)

Fantastic Contraption (Steam VR)

Fantastic Contraption (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Gold Award

System: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Puzzle
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: Fantastic Contraption is a surreal building game for virtual reality. Create life-sized machines as tall as you can reach, then send them whirling, flinging, and trundling off to solve puzzles on the other side of a floating island. Your task is simple: get the squishy purple ball to that goal off in the distance, or above you, or on the other side of that gap. And your tools are elegantly minimalist: spinning wheels and stretchable rods. But the solutions are endless, and there are no right or wrong ones.

We’ve designed this game from the ground up for room-scale VR. Come immerse yourself in a strange skybound archipelago and befriend Neko the photosynthesizing cat. Build contraptions with your own two hands, life-sized and as big as horses, right there in front of you. Play with the physics, juggle pieces, throw darts, and feel another world all around you.

Review: This is one of those games that simply won’t be possible without it being in VR. Not only is this a pretty great game to play, but it is also a great party game with people taking turns to build their own contraptions to get over the finish line. You just can’t help but smile at it even if you are just watching someone else play it. While I did enjoy the PSVR version of this game a lot, it is the better tracking of the PCVR headsets that really makes this game better to play on Steam. This is one game that makes it worth owning a VR headset and everyone should try it at least once.

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