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Hurl VR (Steam VR)

Hurl VR (Steam VR)

Hurl VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Strategy
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 75

Description: Hurl VR starts as a simple throwing simulation and quickly grows into an interactive puzzle game. In order to reach their goal players must throw balls to hit platforms in specific patterns. Platforms have unique properties and mechanics that change from chapter to chapter. The game starts with simple static levels and quickly incorporates new mechanics as moving platforms, bouncer platforms and portals.

Physical characteristics of Hurl VR players play a huge role in how the game will be experienced. A player of shorter height might find it extremely easy to complete levels that require low and tactical throws, whereas taller ones might find it really challenging and vice versa. By giving each player a completely different experience the game design of Hurl VR makes it not only an interactive puzzler but a funny party game as well.

Review: Hurl VR is an odd puzzle game that has several elements that make it quite fun. While on paper the idea is simple, you need to throw a ball into a hole or bounce the ball on pads before getting it into the hole. It takes part skill and part strategy and I have to say I really did enjoy playing it. Sure, it is a little simply graphically but gameplay is king here. So is it worth the £3.99 asking price? Maybe not due to the lack of content, there is 30-40 mins total here so waiting for a sale is the best advice. But do consider giving it a go.

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