The VR Shop

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Hypatia (Steam VR)

Hypatia (Steam VR)

Hypatia (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Social Media
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers, Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 50

Description: The city of Hypatia is a huge open world, filled with canvases for painting, canals for boating, and stuffed animals for throwing! Follow clues in the environment to find all the hidden areas, secret items, and unique treasures. The streets of Hypatia can be explored on foot, on a rowboat down the canals and lakes, or through the skies in hot air balloons and airships. Featuring full locomotion as well as teleportation movement modes, our robust control options allow you to move how you feel most comfortable.

Whether you’re navigating a multi-dimensional maze, sailing through the rooftops in an airship, or diving with a plesiosaur at the bottom of the sea, you’ll be amazed by what you’ll discover next. Every corner of Hypatia has secrets waiting to be discovered, and each one will reward you handsomely for finding them! Win unique parts for your avatar, currency to spend in the mall, and lots more.

Review: On paper Hypatia was going to be some wonderful, colourful world in which we can all meet up in VR. There would be loads of things to do and thousands of locations to visit. Sadly other apps have come along to spoil the glory of this app and it is now as good as dead. Maybe it was the lack of things to do or just the lack of publicity, whatever it was people just didn’t take to Hypatia which I feel is a shame as it does have a lot of potentials. But for now, this app is just waiting to be put down like the sick puppy it is.

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