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Killer Klownz (Steam VR)

Killer Klownz (Steam VR)

Killer Klownz (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £1.59
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+,
VR Shop Score 1/100: 30

Description: Designed from the ground up for the HTC Vive, Killer Klownz is an exhilarating VR Wave Shooter. Spawning from behind over-sized children’s toys and circus props, clowns from your worst childhood nightmares are coming to get you. Driven by an unimaginable rage, they want nothing more than to claw out your eyes and tear the flesh from your bones. A dark sky and thick fog obscure your view — only as they close in can their terrifying faces can be seen. Armed with automatic weapons and an endless supply of ammunition, how long you survive is determined only by your accuracy and willingness to kill.

Review: Killer Klownz is as basic as VR games get. You get to kill clowns inside a spooky-looking circus and that is about it. Its a laugh shooting all the clowns I suppose, but it does get repetitive very quickly. You might think for £1.59 it would be still worth a look, but I would much rather have seen this be free. This is one of those games that you will get in a cheap bundle and never play again. But sometimes a bit of evil-clown killing is all you need.

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