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Kung Fu All-Star VR (Steam VR)

Kung Fu All-Star VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 30

Description: “Kung Fu All-Star VR” would like to provide unique in-game experiences about “Kung Fu” in the VR world. In the first, we focus on how to use the “Nunchucks” to beat up more enemies! It’s all physics-driven, especially how to simulate the nunchucks waving and the enemy response by the attack. There are many classic scenes in the Kung Fu movies, from Shanghai to Southern China. Epic boss fighting in different classic scene is also a big challenge, such as the “Shadowless Kick” by the legendary master Wong Fei-hung! But they are all possessed by the female demon in the game world, and now only you can save them! Let’s use the nunchucks to beat down the boss to release them free!

Review: While ‘Kung Fu All-Star VR’ is full of promise the game seems to hit itself in its own face most of the time. This nunchaku filled action game takes about 5-10 mins to finish and while fun for a very short while the fun soon turns to annoyance at having to pay £3.99 for this. I don’t mind the game I really don’t, but I wish it was more a game than a very short tech-demo. This could easily be something worth owning, but until it gets a tonne more content or becomes free it is not something I will be recommending. Bruce Lee would be very disappointed indeed.

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