The VR Shop

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Locked In VR (Oculus Rift)

Locked In VR (Steam VR)

Locked In VR (Steam VR)

The VR Shop - Silver Award
System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £4.79
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Escape/Puzzle Room
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+

Description: Locked In VR is an escape room type experience. The player must use his wits and senses to find his way out of the basement and uncover the terrible truth about his imprisonment. The player can move around in roomscale setting and use teleport to explore the area. The time is running up – the player must get out of the basement before whoever locked him in returns.

Review: Locked In VR starts with your classic horror storyline. You wake up in a strange room surrounded by horrors the eyes should never see and pretty much everything covered in blood or grime. There is a clock on the wall and this countdown represents when your captor is coming back, so you need to escape before he does. Using the Oculus Touch controllers you will need to find various things and solve loads of puzzles in order to save your life.

While annoyingly there is no turn mechanic there is a teleport system to help you get around the room within your playing area. While the levels are not big there are loads of hidden things and horrible secrets to be uncovered. Of course, this is all finished off with the need for a torch due to the dark and some creepy voice/sounds distracting you even more. Will you make it out alive? Only if you use your brain and think on your feet.

For the asking price Locked In VR is a good little horror experience that gives the brain a bit of a workout. It’s a shame that most the things you see are not interactive like the books and many other things, but overall the graphics look pretty good and the torch that seems to run out of power quicker than an iPhone while annoying does add to the creepy atmosphere. I reckon you get what you pay for with this app, but just remember that you didn’t pay much for it in the first place.

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