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Lone Pirate VR (Steam VR)

Lone Pirate VR (Steam VR)

Lone Pirate VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £6.19
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 65

Description: It’s not easy being a pirate… especially without a crew. Well, at least all of the booty will be yours. Sail the sea, sink some ships, plunder some gold and get the highest score you can!

Review: While Lone Pirate VR is a simple game at heart and very basic graphical I found myself still enjoying it. I will tell you now that you will need at least 2.5m SQ in gamespace as there is no teleporting or moving about. If you don’t have the room, you can’t play this and it is as simple as that. Also, the multiplier element is pretty much dead, so unless you get a friend to download it as well I wouldn’t get your hopes up for meeting anyone to play with. For me, there is just no way I can recommend this game at its current price of £6.19 and I wouldn’t want to pay much more than a quid or so for it. So do keep an eye out for it in a sale, but it is worth a look (provided you have the playroom).

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