The VR Shop

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Mars Flight VR (Steam VR)

Mars Flight VR (Steam VR)

Mars Flight VR (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Bronze Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Gamepad
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG

Description: Mars Flight VR is a helicopter simulator that lets you explore real locations on mars. Take control of “Ingenuity”, the JPL Mars Helicopter Scout, a helicopter designed to fly in the thin Martian atmosphere.

Review: When it comes to my own thoughts on ‘Mars Flight VR’ I find myself pull-apart from my own personal thoughts on it and how other people might see it. Personally, I found it fascinating and amazing, even if it is a little nauseating, but there isn’t a lot of content at all here. It’s an interactive helicopter experience featuring a small area of Mars modelled with photo data so it looks as real as anything is ever going to be (until we get there in real life of course). The problem I have is the asking price is £15.49 and most people will find that a bit of a rip-off, but I personally enjoyed it enough to want to recommend it. But without motion controller support I am not willing to recommend this at the moment. If it was 90% cheaper I might do, but until then I don’t suggest anyone pay out for this.

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