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Mars Plan (Steam VR)

Mars Plan (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £4.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Turret Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 60

Description: Mars Plan is a VR shooting game. In 2050, the Chinese space expedition team successfully landed on Mars and awakened dangerous beings, which the dust of the solar system has sealed for hundreds of millions of years. Pandora’s magic box was opened: vast universe, dangerous Mars, can you solve the mystery of the universe with heroism and wisdom? Can the prosperity of the age of dinosaurs be continued? Your team mate of Mars Plan Xiaoxue is waiting for you to save.

Review: Mars Plan is a weird arcade style shooter in which you will be taking down dinosaurs and a few other monsters on the planet Mars. Yes, it’s a dino’s on Mars shooter and if you think the title sounds a little cheesy wait until you start playing the game! You are sat in a bunker with a turret-mini-gun and you need to defend your space and uncover the mysteries of what is going on here. It’s cheap, it will make someone smile and it should keep you amused for an hour or so tops. This isn’t a terrible game I promise, but it is just another mindless wave shooter of the likes we have seen a hundred times before. While there is nothing new here if you enjoy the genre you should enjoy playing this. But either way, the cheaper you get this the happier you should be with your purchase.

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