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MoonStrike (Steam VR)

MoonStrike (Steam VR)

MoonStrike (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £7.19
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Real-time strategy (RTS)
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 80

Description: Colossal, deep space, fleet scale conquest… in miniature! MoonStrike is a boiled down realtime strategy game, built for both Vive and Oculus Touch controllers (controllers required). Take over planets as fast as possible, build ships, and take over the galaxy!

Review: MoonStrike is a Real-time strategy set in space that sees factions of robots go up against other factions. There is a dedicated single-player mode here as well as some nice multiplayer options. But I will say the multiplayer side of things is pretty much dead these days. Graphically the game looks pretty good and it is not until the battlefield gets going that you can really appreciate them with all the sound effects linked with some nice particle effects it looks pretty awesome. I was enjoying the game at first, but it does get quite repetitive rather quickly and when you are only playing against the AI only it just feels like they use the same strategy over and over. I do really like the game, but I would grab it in a sale so that way if you lose interest quickly it won’t matter so much.

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