The VR Shop

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Operation Insanity (Steam VR)

Operation Insanity (Steam VR)

Operation Insanity (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Bronze Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £11.39
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing, Room-Scale
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: A Para-military Terrorist organization is running amok . There is only one solution, send a single lone operative on a suicidal mission to stop them. You are that lone operative. Choose your character and lock and load for intense action as you fight your way through ever increasingly difficult challenges. As you progress toward level 20 the enemy get tougher and more numerous. Will you be able to rise to the challenge?

Review: ‘Operation Insanity’ is a first-person shooter that seems to have had a VR option bolted into itself, rather than something made for VR, so expect the game to be VERY nauseating in terms of movement. You get to pick from a few guns (all pretty much the same) and away you go. You have to kill a set number of guards before moving onto the next level. The graphics are not terrible I suppose and some of the levels (like the factory level) are pretty good looking. But the gameplay is so crappy, so samey. Unless some sort of multiplayer mode was added I can’t see this game ever being worth £11.39, but if you grabbed this as part of a cheap bundle with other games you might appreciate it more than I did. I just can’t bring myself to give this a silver award, but with some updates and a cheaper price I might do.

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