The VR Shop

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Planet Hotpot (Steam VR)

Planet Hotpot (Steam VR)

Planet Hotpot (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Silver Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £2.09
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG


Description: Planet Hotpot is a single or multiplayer VR shooter where you run around shooting aliens with your many weapons. You are an employee of a galactic megacorporation, and your coworker is a spy for a rival corporation. Unfortunately, he has dropped a bunch of corporate espionage all over the planet, and it is now up to you to recover all of it while blowing your way through the rival corps’ muscle.

Review: Now and again you come across an indie game that is so bad, so terribly made that it goes through the arse end of “terrible” and comes out being fun to play. ‘Planet Hotpot’ is one of those games. From the terrible controls to the basic graphics and truly laughable enemies, but it is mad as a box of frogs to play but oddly is so bad it becomes fun! The enemies fly around and glitch out as if they are supposed to do so and the action is relentless. But there seems to be no point to the game other than surviving as long as you can! At least it only costs a few quid and I am not quite sure why I even want to recommend this game, but I am. Maybe I have become so immune to the crap VR games Steam pumps out that I have finally lost my mind.

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