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Play with Balloon (Steam VR)

Play with Balloon (Steam VR)

Play with Balloon (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £4.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 60

Description: “Why should VR games be single player only? Wouldn’t you like to play with your friends??” The HTC Vive has two controllers. So we thought why not make a new style of game that allows the player without the play as well This game consist of simple and funny modes.

Review: Play with Balloon isn’t quite as boring as you might think it is. Don’t get me wrong here, its still a crap game, just not as boring as you might first think. With 3 game modes to play with Hit up , Hit up Vs Blow up and VolleyBalloon, there is quite a range of things to do here, but this games…” highlight” is the two-player mode. Now, you might have already noticed that I said there was “no” multiplayer element in the bullet points above and that is because as such there isn’t one. One person gets one controller and ta VR headset and the other “player” only gets a motion controller and no headset and I can only presume has to watch what they are going on the screen. Whatever this attempt was it fails miserably as the person without the VR headset on pretty much does nothing. wouldn’t want anyone to pay £4.79 for this, but maybe grab it for a quid or less and you might have fun playing at least one of the games.

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