The VR Shop

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Radial-G: Infinity

Radial-G: Infinity (Mobile VR)

Radial-G: Infinity

VR Shop Score – Silver Award

Genre: Endless Runner
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
File Size: 47 MB
Input: Head Movements
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG

Description: Race for your life in to escape the deadly invasion force attacking the Radial-G universe! Outrun the mechanical alien squid boss whilst dodging his drone minion army as they blast away your race tracks. Fall off too many times and his laser will burn you to a crisp!

Review: If you like your arcade racers endless and your themes set in space you are in luck with the fantastic Radial-G: Infinity This fast and furious racer is done in a changeable lane style slot system. Meanwhile, you also have to avoid red slowdown lanes, holes in the tracks and aliens trying to shoot you off the track!

With several power-ups to collect like orb magnets and a shield, this is a very fast moving game that will keep you pushing yourself that little bit further each time you play. Well worth downloading just to challenge your mates to beat your high-score.

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