The VR Shop

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Raptor Valley: Night 1 (Oculus Rift)

Raptor Valley (Steam VR)

Raptor Valley (Steam VR)

The VR Shop - Silver Award
System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £5.99
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Horror
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers, Gamepad
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+

Description: You open your eyes to find yourself alone beneath an unfamiliar night sky. The wind howls around you, carrying the sound of insects chirping, rustling grass, and . . . something breathing. Looking around for weapons you find only a flashlight. Nearby, a radio cackles to life and a voice greets you, “Welcome to Raptor Valley!”

Review: This “experience” starts off with you stand in a dark field when suddenly the radio you are holding comes to life and the voice tells you where you are. “Welcome to Raptor Valley!” they gleam with joy, but there is no joy to be found here, only faster heartbeats and high blood pressure. The idea of the game is simple, just survive for as long as you can! Sure, it sounds simple enough, but you will soon discover that it is much harder said than done.

You are given a torch and need to shine it into the Raptor’s eyes to keep them away. But all around you is grass as tall as my back garden that hasn’t been mowed for several weeks. Those pesky little dinos move in and out of the grass all around you making you run and jump at every sound. Then, if you get lucky you will catch them out of the corner of your eye and shine your light on them so they run away. But if you are not so lucky, it’s game over. Yep, dino survival skill training just got serious.

Raptor Valley: Night 1 is dead simple, fun and truly terrifying. If you thought that Raptor scene in the original Jurassic Park was terrifying when the man is in the woods hunting raptors, this puts you in his boots and it really is very scary. Sure they might not be the biggest dinosaur (and these dinos aren’t the best looking graphically) but they can still be very scary. A short experience indeed, but one that is worth downloading in a sale for sure.

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