The VR Shop

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Real Rage (Gear VR)

Real Rage (Oculus Go & Gear VR)

Real Rage (Gear VR)

The VR Shop - Bronze Award
System: Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Go
Price at Time Of Review: £0.08 ($0.10)
Comfort Rating: Red (Extreme Movement)
Genre: Platform
Input: Gamepad
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: Are you ready for a good rage game? If the answer is YES, you have to play this game! You have to use all of your skills, reflex, patience, agility to complete the stages, and defeat the boss. The way to defeat the boss is not easy because there are many traps, enemies, and other surprises on every level. So prepare for an immersive and intensive experience by the REAL RAGE!

Review: Real Rage could have been a fun little game with splashings of nostalgia. Sadly it is missing something vital to be called that…playability. While you will get the hang of some of it after plenty of practice and try, try and try again mentality, without that attitude this game is pretty much unplayable. Its a Super Mario clone that goes to prove that not every game is more fun in VR and 3D. Played in a first-person view the idea of the game is to jump on the ghosts heads, smash coin and brick blocks and get through each level. With some fun looking cartoon style graphics and full gamepad support this game has the potential to be something great. But at the moment, with this version we played (V1.0), its nowhere near being that.

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