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Rise of Insanity (Steam VR)

Rise of Insanity (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £7.19
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Horror
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 18+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 80

Description: In Rise of Insanity, as a doctor of psychology, you will explore the darkest recesses of the human mind. Overcome your fear to find the truth behind the tragedy that has befallen your family.

Review: When it comes to horror games in VR even the bad ones can be good thanks to the levels of immersion VR brings. The good news is Rise of Insanity isn’t one of the bad ones, in fact, it’s one of the very best horror games I have played on in VR. Sure, this game has some great looking graphics, good voice acting, good music and some very effective jump scares thanks to the dark and scary atmosphere from start to finish, but it also had a pretty intriguing storyline that compels you to go on even though you really don’t want to. Sure, it only lasts for a few hours tops, but for those few hours, you will so deeply immersed in the game you will start to fear for your own real-world life. This is not one to play on a dark night all alone that is for sure. And besides, it doesn’t cost that much at all and with the promise of more episodes on the way its a storyline that has a real future. Even if many genres fail to take VR into the mainstream, horror games (especially ones that are this good) will carry it on their own back.

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