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Sankhara (Steam VR)

Sankhara (Steam VR)

Sankhara (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £0.79
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Non-Interactive Experience
Input: Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: The story begins at the end of an astronaut’s mission, as we follow him home through our awe-inspiring universe. Upon arrival back to Earth, our hero reflects upon his life choices, questions what might have been, and eventually finds solace in his decisions–a familiar emotional journey for anyone who has experienced life’s drastic twists and turns. For our younger astronauts, it appeals to a child’s sense of adventure and awe of space travel.

This experience was designed to experiment with the deep emotional potential of poetry in virtual reality, while pushing the boundaries of graphics in VR. Succumb to the 360-film’s gravitational pull, clear your mind, and allow yourself to meditate on this virtual poem. Built to be an inclusive experience, the participant needs only to gently move their head around in order to interact with the space.

Review: Some people like these short VR films and some don’t. I put myself firmly in the “like” camp and for me ‘Sankhara’ was 5 minutes of beauty and wonder. The story follows an astronaut making his way back to Earth through jump-gates and eventually jumping back to earth in his spacesuit. I don’t want to tell you any more because it would spoil it, but I think this is worth a look, but I will say that it isn’t as good as many other short films I have seen, but its still worth a look if you enjoy them.

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