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Science:The world is in your hands (Steam VR)

Science:The world is in your hands (Steam VR)

Science:The world is in your hands (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £7.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 25

Description: You are the worlds most successful scientist which has revolutionised the world, but suddenly a tragedy hits and a virus is released on earth. You are the only one that can create the cure to save the world. You must fix your robot and your laboratory to save planet earth.

Review: Science:The world is in your hands is a first-person puzzle game in which you will be tasked with fixing a robot that will help you make a cure to save the world. While I accept that things are not supposed to be easy because that is the challenge element of the game this game is nigh on impossible mostly down to the terrible controls and lack of any hint system. You are literary flying blind from the start. While I am willing to look past the terrible graphics I am not willing to look past the lack of content or the lack of an easy to use UI, especially when the game costs £7.99. But if it ever becomes free or at a very low price it might be worth a look as it currently is, but I would personally wait for a load of updates before giving this a chance.

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