The VR Shop

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Screen VR (Steam VR)

Screen VR (Steam VR)

Screen VR (Steam VR)

System: HTC Vive Only
Price at Time Of Review: £11.39
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 5

Description: Screen VR has been built from the ground up with a focus on realistic visceral and satisfying fully destructible heads. Attack any NPC in the game and watch as their head burst into a fountain of gore and destruction. Unique everytime and just what VR has been waiting for.

Review: As an indie game ‘Screen VR’ is OK to play, while nothing special to look at I do like some of the textures, I like some of the guns. Overall, the developer should be happy with it. But when they charge £11.39 for this all that goes out of the window because you are left with a crappy indie game that really should have been free asking a daft amount for it and no-one in their right mind would recommend this game at that price point. If this game every becomes free I would be willing to change this opinion, but until it does I suggest you don’t even consider it.

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