The VR Shop

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Sentenced VR (Steam VR)

Sentenced VR (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Silver Award

System: HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £5.79
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing, Room-Scale
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+


Description: How would you respond if you were asked to carry out an order you disagreed with? Sentenced is a narrative Virtual Reality game where the player is cast as the Executioner for Ulrichshafen, a fictional European city in the early-modern period. On behalf of your Lords, you will punish those who break the laws of the realm and be assessed on the competence of your performance over multiple scenarios.

Review: ‘Sentenced VR’ is an interactive experience in which you will become an Executioner in ye-oldy times. There is no game as such here, it is more an educational experience without any educational material. To be fair it does look good with faded pastel colours and bright pink petals floating down, it’s like an art style in a dark scene which I do like. But when it comes to content and interactions this experience really isn’t up to much and I even failed to start the game as I couldn’t sign the “contract” at the start of it, but after a restart, it seemed to work OK. It’s a hard one to recommend, but it is clear a lot of effort has gone into making this. So I will give it a silver rating with the suggestion that you try and get it as cheaply as you can.

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