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Shooty Skies Overdrive (Steam VR)

Shooty Skies Overdrive (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £6.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: Escape the arcade in Shooty Skies Overdrive, an action-packed VR shoot ‘em up. Dodge and weave your way through dynamically generated enemy waves and blast them at point-blank range. An incredible journey through colourful retro worlds and ridiculous alien invaders.

Review: I have to be honest, I wasn’t expecting much going into ‘Shooty Skies Overdrive’. It is yet another low-poly shooter of the likes we have seen hundreds of times before. But I have to say I came away from it pleasantly surprised. Sure, it is indeed a low-poly shooter, but its colourful, crazy and full of memes and retro nostalgia which did make me smile. The action is very much shooting and blocking the enemies fire, so nothing new or exciting, but it is presented in a lovable sort of way that I couldn’t help but get into the game. While I wouldn’t say I fell in love with it I did enjoy it, however, I do still think you should try and get this in a really good sale as there isn’t a lot of content here at all. Whatever is most people will find a laugh, but a laugh doesn’t offer value for money.

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