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Space Junk Patrol (Steam VR)

Space Junk Patrol (Steam VR)

Space Junk Patrol (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: £4.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Space Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: Space is Crowded! Space is messy! Space is dangerous! As a member of the galactic space lane crew, it’s your job to keep those lanes clear. This is no easy task, but with the help of your work-issued Mark-IV Astro Smasher Space Lane Maintenance Vehicle, you’ve got it covered. This is an arcade-style, room-scale VR game where the player stands in the middle and guides a small spaceship around with the controllers to blast away space junk, repair failing satellites, and shoot down invading ships. An HTC Vive VR Headset is required to play!

Review: If you love your classic arcade games you might enjoy Space Junk Patrol. It is pretty much a clone of the classic Asteroids, only with some modern graphics and vastly improved sound effects, but the gameplay itself is pretty much the same. I found myself enjoying this for a while and the action does get quite manic at times, but it does get repetitive very quickly which brings me onto the asking price. £4.79 isn’t a lot I suppose, but it is when you will only play this once or twice, there isn’t a whole lot to this game to justify that asking price so I would personally wait for a sale. Even just a drop of 50% will make a difference. A fun little game I suppose, just a little shallow.

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