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StressOut (Steam VR)

StressOut (Steam VR)

StressOut (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £11.39
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 40

Description: Chaos. Havoc. Destruction. A race against time and evil, twisted, yet entertaining AI living in your wristwatch forces you to use weapons and incredible superpowers to destroy a frozen-in-time shopping mall. Find out what happened to others before you and escape this mayhem!

Review: ‘StressOut’ is a break everything in sight style game in which you are given a small handful of weapons and you need to go to town on just about anything and everything. The more you break, the better the score in a set amount of time. While it starts off as fun I did find the lack of variety in both weapons and area quite depressing. It seems as if the developer had a good idea for a game, but got bored of it soon after the first level. Trust me when I tell you £11.39 is way too much for this game, Sure it is fun, but with only a few levels it really should have been free or as good as. Until it does get a large price drop it is not something I will be recommending any time soon.

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