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SURV1V3 (Steam VR)

SURV1V3 (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £19.49
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: FPS (Moving)
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: 18+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: It has been over a year since an unknown Seadornavirus released the V1V3 Virus. The first cases of the V1V3 Virus were reported on the 14th November 2018, spreading it’s deadly effects among world killing billions of people. Will humanity survive V1V3? Someone is supposing a cure can be found…

Fire, run, hide yourself, lockpick, pretend to be a zombie, be smart, plan your moves and coordinate with your teammates! SURV1V3 is this and much more… starting from the infamous city of Santa Carla, narrow rotten sewers… endless creepy scenarios, scary situations and challenging tasks, until you meet the mysterious man who may be able to save the world.

Review: SURV1V3 is a classic style first-person zombie shooter in which you will have to take care of wave after wave of zombies running towards you (yes, some do indeed run). Much like the title of the game, this is all about survival and this is not a game that holds your hand in any way. In fact, it’s so tough that I died the first time right after the tutorial had finished! Trust me when I tell you that no matter what you do you will die a lot in this game, over and over again.

The main problem is the game feels unfinished. Things like the narration, the zombie sound effects and even the graphics could do with some extra work and effort. Obviously the multiplayer element is all but dead and there isn’t nearly enough content to justify the £19.49 price tag for single players. But if you got this in a really good sale I feel you might look past its faults and find a good game to play for an hour or so. Just make sure it is a REALLY low price before you do.

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