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Telefrag VR (Steam VR)

Telefrag VR (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £19.49
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Shooter
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: Yes, Up to 2 Players
Age Rating: 18+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 75

Description: Telefrag VR is a hellishly fast-paced shooter with visceral movement and combat mechanics. Dash, shoot, and teleport around unique arenas that feature impossible geometry where there is no right side up and death can come from any direction. You’d better bring your A-game and telefrag your enemies into oblivion if you want to excel in PvP duels.

Set in an alternative universe where the Roman Empire never collapsed, you step into the shoes of a new breed of a gladiator on the road to becoming a champion. Use your speed, accuracy, and wits to outmanoeuvre and defeat your enemies, crushing them beneath your feet.

Review: It’s pretty easy to see the games that inspired the developers to make Telefrag VR, but sadly this is not one of the greatest multiplay shooters out there. Don’t get me wrong, it is still a lot of fun and it looks great, but with only one other player on the map, things are slower-paced than you might have been lead to believe. But with a small update and more people playing on each map, this could well become something special and for that reason, I would definitely consider grabbing it while it is on sale now rather than later when it isn’t.

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