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The Invisible Hours (PSVR)

The Invisible Hours (PSVR)

System: PSVR
Price at Time Of Review: £34.99
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Adventure
Size: 6.37 GB
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: A group of strangers receive a curious invitation from the enigmatic inventor, Nikola Tesla, offering each of them the chance to make amends for their darkest wrongdoings. When the last guest arrives at Tesla’s isolated mansion laboratory, they find him dead – murdered. Disgraced Swedish detective, Gustaf Gustav, vows to find the killer amongst the other guests: a blind butler, a convicted murderer, the world’s most famous actress, Tesla’s former assistant, the son of a wealthy railroad magnate, and rival inventor Thomas Edison. But none of these people are what they seem.

Review: If you like watching whodunit plays then you might well enjoy playing The Invisible Hours. To be honest, you can tell a LOT of time and effort has gone into making this game and in some respects, it pays off. This game is more than playable and you will find yourself easily becoming immersed in its storyline. Sadly for this game that level of immersion doesn’t last long leaving you wondering what on earth you paid all that money for! Maybe consider getting it in a sale, but even then it would have to be at least 50% off or more before I would recommend getting it. A good game let down by a high asking price.

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