The VR Shop

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Trapped VR (Steam VR)

Trapped VR (Steam VR)

Trapped VR (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Bronze Award

System: Oculus Rift Only
Price at Time Of Review:Free
Comfort Rating: Green (No Movement)
Genre: Escape/Puzzle Room
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG

Description: Kidnapped by a mysterious figure, It’s up to you to solve the puzzles around you to escape your containment. Trapped VR is a VR puzzle game that focuses on how the player interacts with the game world. To win you must solve the puzzles surrounding you to figure out the secret code that unlocks the container doors. This game is a test of my skills in developing a VR project, so it isn’t a fully completed game but it has enough gameplay included to still be fun!

Review: ‘Trapped VR’ is as basic as puzzle room style games get. You are sitting in a small wooden chair inside a tiny cupboard and you have a Tetris style puzzle that automatically snaps into place, a remote robot using the thumbstick and a torch to find the numbers of the dial in front of you. I suck big time at these types of games and I did it in less than 5 minutes. But then again it is free I suppose, but I have to question if it is worth the download in the first place.

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