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VR historical journey to the Buddhist civilizations: VR ancient India and Asia (Steam VR)

VR historical journey to the Buddhist civilizations (Steam VR)

VR historical journey to the Buddhist civilizations: VR ancient India and Asia (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £7.19
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 50

Description: VR’s historical journey to Buddhist civilization is a virtual game. In real life, we can only understand history and culture through historical books, pictures, cultural relics or historical sites. But none of these can satisfy us. Sometimes we may have the illusion that one day we can go back to the past, we can see with our own eyes and feel the culture of that era. But this is basically impossible in real life.

Review: To give it its full title ‘VR historical journey to the Buddhist civilizations: VR ancient India and Asia’ is like all the other ‘VR Travelling‘ series of interactive experiences. As with the others, there is no real educational material here, but I could see it being used in an educational setting. The graphics are a little basic, but you can still make out the more iconic structures and style that you would need to. This is not going to be for everyone and really should be free or as good as, but as I have already said, I can see the point of this if it was used in the right setting. Your average Steam VR user is not that setting.

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