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VR Retreat (Steam VR)

VR Retreat (Steam VR)

VR Retreat (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: NLA
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: VR Retreat is a place to meditate, chill and play relaxing games in virtual reality. Enjoy different game modes, music and environments and play at your own pace. Right now this demo has three game modes. The grow game mode in which you control a bubble through space and try to make it become the biggest. The existing game mode in which you can throw bubbles at other bubbles and the meditate game mode in which you can play with particles. For the existing game mode you can steer the direction of the bubbles with touchpad up. The grow game mode has its own tutorial in-game and in the meditate game mode you can just use the trigger and touchpad buttons to attract or push away particles.

Review: VR Retreat is an oddball experience that is for sure. It’s part visualiser with some trippy colours and particle effects, but it also tried to be some sort of game in which I am not sure what the hell is going on. But mostly, I would describe this app as an interactive relaxation experience. Sadly it has been abandoned and is no longer available for download. But for some reason, you can still play the demo! So at least it is free, even if it is unfinished. Worth a look I suppose, especially if you put on your own music and let the visuals take you away from it all as if on some sort of…retreat!

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