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Whispers from Within: Moving On (Steam VR)

Whispers from Within: Moving On (Steam VR)

Whispers from Within: Moving On (Steam VR)

System: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £3.99
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 60

Description: You are the main character in this Twilight Zone-inspired experience. Tragedy has struck your family, but you must find a way to move on. Can you unlock the memories that are keeping you trapped? Can you free yourself from the past? Can you do what is needed to finally move on?

Review: ‘Whispers from Within: Moving On’ is an interactive experience that has the feel of the classic VR show ‘The Twilight Zone’. Calling this a game might be pushing the term a little too far as there really isn’t a lot of gameplay at all other than finding and fetching the odd object like all the picture frames from a room. I did like the flat 2D videos on the TV and they did take most of my playtime up. All-in-all it took me just shy of an hour, but I was taking my time and having a good look through things. If I had to sum up this experience it would have to be the word “meh!”. I paid just £1.59 for this in a sale, but the full price of £3.99 might be asking too much for this.

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