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Apollo 11 VR

Apollo 11 VR (Steam VR)

Apollo 11 VR (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Silver Award

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift & Windows MR
Price at Time Of Review: £7.50
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers, Gamepad, Keyboard & Mouse
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: Apollo 11 VR is the story of the greatest journey ever taken by humankind. Now for the first time ever, you get to experience this historic event through the eyes of those who lived through it. Using a mix of original archive audio and video together with accurate recreations of the spacecraft and locations, all set to inspirational music. Get set for an experience that will not only educate you but will also leave a lasting impression and deep respect for the men and women who worked on the Apollo program during NASA’s golden era.

Apollo 11 VR is a new type of documentary, not only do you get to relive the events of 1969, you can also take control and fly the command module, land the lunar lander, explore the Moon’s surface and deploy the lunar experiments all before returning to earth in a fiery re-entry. Take one small step today and climb aboard Apollo 11 for the journey of a lifetime.

Review: Apollo 11 VR is a history lesson and a VR experience that puts you in the space boots of the astronauts themselves. A blend of both graphics and media it offers a stunning look at what the astronauts went through and even gives you a chance to experience what they saw first hand. I could easily see this being used in schools and other educational learning centres.

What I loved most about this experience is that you are not just a viewer the whole time, you do get to interact with some things and this does add to the immersion levels. But it is the graphics what will really make you feel as if they are there and at times they can seem a little too realistic and you might find yourself as I did gripping the chair a little too tight.

What you will get more than any other thing from this game is a real sense of scale, a sense of realism of what the astronauts went through. This educational experience will seem amazing for some and a little boring for others. But if you have any interests in space exploration and the history of the technology used this is just as good as being aboard the ship yourself and probably just as nauseating.

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