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Arrowborn (Steam VR)

Arrowborn (Steam VR)

Arrowborn (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £7.19
Comfort Rating: Red
Genre: Archery
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG
VR Shop Score 1/100: 70

Description: Arrowborn brings you the fast-paced and visceral action of a multiplayer first-person shooter and combines it with the immersive experience of virtual reality archery. Show your lethal accuracy and clever map tactics as you load your quiver full of deadly magical arrows and lay waste to the competition! Select from an ever-expanding assortment of magical arrows each with their own unique way of wreaking havoc on your opponents and giving you the advantage. Attach a powerful gem to your armour to increase your survivability or boost your mana pool to fit your playstyle! Spec out defensively and utilize your shield to score points by blocking the incoming barrages!

Review: There is no pun intended here, but I do find myself drawn on archery games. Some are pretty good and others just feel like crap to play. I feel ‘Arrowborn’ is somewhere in the middle. It sure looks good so that is a nice start and you can play online against other people, but sadly no-one is playing this game these days so that is pretty much dead and that only leaves you playing against bots. The problem is the gameplay is pretty great with a mix of magic loadouts and archery action and it feels amazing to play. But when there is no real challenge, no real point to the gameplay I have to question if it is worth paying for. I think in its current state it is best to wait for a sale so you can get a friend to get it as well or just muck about with it.

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