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Attack of the Bugs (Steam VR)

Attack of the Bugs (Steam VR)

Attack of the Bugs (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £5.79
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Action
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing or Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 80

Description: You’re stuck in a bug-infested nightmare, but you’re not scared. Really. Sure, you’ve fallen through the floor and there are swarms of bugs crawling out of the walls. Yes, when the spiders crawled in the fuse box and turned out the lights, they may have seemed a little too clever for simple bugs. But you’re smarter than any bug. And your childhood toys have come to life to help. Also, that lighter and a can of bug spray could make a heck of a bomb…

Review: Attack of the Bugs is a respectful nod towards classic B-Movie sci-fi and horror films. Gameplay wise it is a strategic shooter that is harder than you might first think. While the level settings can get a bit repetitive the waves of spiders attacking you do at least appear in different places meaning you never really know where they will spring from next, keeping a firm eye on the ceiling because you don’t want spiders sneaking up on you and dropping down from there. Sure, it might be a bit of fun, but for people (like myself) who hate spiders, this is a horrific game that can send chills up your spine better than any B-Movie ever could. It is well worth a look, but I would wait for a sale to make sure you get value for money. As a quick note: If you really do suffer from arachnophobia I would give this one a miss.

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