The VR Shop

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Avem888 VR (Oculus Go & Gear VR)

Avem888 VR (Oculus Go & Gear VR)

Avem888 VRThe VR Shop - Silver Award
System: Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Go
Price at Time Of Review: £2.99 ($4)
Comfort Rating: Yellow (Mild Movement)
Genre: Endless Runner
Input: Head-Movments Only
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: PG


Description: Avem is latin for bird, 888 is the lucky number… are you the lucky bird? You are hereby challenged to set the record. This classic arcade style flying game takes you through a everchanging landscape of objects you should avoid. Pick as many of the portals on the trail as as you can including specials scattered here and there. They will give bonuses… or not… Your ultimate goal is to stay alive as long as possible. In the beginning it is hard, but you will get better. In party mode you can challenge your friends on the same device, who stays alive the longest and gets the highest score? Always at the highest speeds!

Review: Avem888 VR is a polished looking endless runner that aims to turn the endless runner game genre on its head. Sadly its older brother Avem33 VR did a far better job. The problem with Avem888 is its playing speed. While the “hard” setting does offer some challenge it is far to steep a learning curve for people to get used to with only the “medium” setting offering something more manageable an enjoyable than the super-slow “easy” setting. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot to love with this game from its music to its shiny graphics, but playing it isn’t half as much fun as Avem33 was. But this is still worth a download if you love your endless runners, but probably best to wait for a sale of some kind.

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