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Crunch Element: VR Infiltration (Steam VR)

Crunch Element: VR Infiltration (Steam VR)

System: Valve Index, HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £15.49
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: FPS (Moving)
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: Yes
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 55

Description: Blast through destructible compounds and slay cyborgs in virtual reality! Take cover as the chunks of wall, lead, and lasers whiz past your head as you prepare to return fire with a weapon that is unique to your play style!

Review: ‘Crunch Element: VR Infiltration’ is a Rainbow Six style tactical shooter that stands out from the rest by having procedurally generated compounds meaning each level is 100% random. I did find that each level was very much the same in style, so no matter how random the levels are, they all feel very similar and the games AI is not good at all. So sadly that only leaves the multiplayer mode which is also as good as dead. The game itself isn’t terrible at all, but it definitely doesn’t have £15.49’s worth of content. In fact, this game would struggle to justify half that price. This is one game to wait for in a good sale as the lower you get it for the happier you will be with that.

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