The VR Shop

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DreamLand (Steam VR)

DreamLand (Steam VR)

DreamLand (Steam VR)

VR Shop Score – Silver Award

System: Valve Index & HTC Vive
Price at Time Of Review: Free
Comfort Rating: Green
Genre: Interactive Experience
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: PG


Description: The storyline begin at Another World. “Astral Spirit” summon player to an Astral Portal because of his ability of super spirits. Astral Spirit needs player’s special ability to help him find the missing Cosmic Energy Core, by solving the crisis of the world. Thus, our protagonist begins his journey.

Review: Let me get the biggest issue with this game out of the way, this game requires a MASSIVE play area in order to work. You are talking 5m X 5m at least which most people won’t have thus making this short interactive experience unplayable for most people. But if you do have the room you will have a lot of fun for a very short amount of time while being surrounded by some truly awesome graphics. Yes, it looks good, sadly the storyline dialogue is all in Chinese, but you will manage to get the gist of things and yet the play area problem means most of us won’t get to enjoy it. Such a shame to ruin a great looking experience by having such an odd setup. (before anyone asks, no, there is no way to play this experience with less room as you need to pick things up outside of that space with no teleportation or movement options.

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