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Mission Ring Possible (Steam VR)

Mission Ring Possible (Steam VR)

Mission Ring Possible (Steam VR)

System: HTC Vive & Oculus Rift
Price at Time Of Review: £4.99
Comfort Rating: Yellow
Genre: Turret Shooter
Input: Tracked Motion Controllers
Best Playing Position: Sitting
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+
VR Shop Score 1/100: 55

Description: Aliens occupied our planet. They built Towers to suck our earth out. If you are free from giddiness and a good shooter, you can take on the challenge and destroy the towers. As a highly trained agent, you embark on an exciting hunt and do everything possible to destroy the tower of the aliens. You skillfully switch the gondolas by teleport orbiting the tower high above the ground. As long as you have enough life points, they don’t fall down and you stay alive. As soon as you shoot the tower, it will react with a targeted missile. You have to take the risk because you don’t have much time. Allied with the girls of the command station you do that Impossible mission possible!

Review: Hey, you! Do you like tits? (not the birds, actual tits!) And you like pointless action? If you do ‘Mission Ring Possible’ is the game for you. It’s a current style shooter with more skimpily clad women than an F1 press event. It has to be said that this game is so bad it comes out of the other end of bad and becomes a game worth owning. Its the weirdest mix of things you will ever play, but maybe it was just the titties and the butt shots that kept me coming back, but I played it for well over an hour! Is it worth the £4.99 asking price? Is it bollocks, but…well…there are boobs, so that makes it worth owning. Seriously, WTF was the developer of this game on? Whatever it is it was strong stuff.

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