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VicoVR (2015)


Description: Work with GameFace Labs, the Vico VR is a wireless positional & skeletal tracking system for mobile VR. Or to put it another way, a Microsoft Kinect for a Mobile VR headset with a smartphone inside. Provided this is done well, the Vico VR could revolutionise the world of mobile VR forever! Wireless gesture control has been around for a long time now and the technology has gotten better and better to the point where it can now track the skeletal position of two players at once! Yes, this could mean a truly multi-player mobile VR game.


Product: VicoVR
Manufacturer: 3DiVi Inc
Launch Price: $399 (£294)
Release Date: September 2015
Type: Full-Body Motion Tracker
Headsets it Works With: Most Mobile VR Headsets

Review: The motion tracking bar processes all the data inside the sensor and it is all sent via Bluetooth with minimal delay back to the smartphone to display the movement. There was a range of archery, flight and fighting games for it on Steam VR, but very little in the way of software support that probably killed it off. Apparently, it is still for sale and still has games being made for it! But I wouldn’t hold your breath seeing any of them soon. Much like the Xbox Kinect sensor before it, the tracking didn’t work half the time and the game sucked.

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